Why Homoeopathy for skin Problems ?

Post by Dr Tejal Daftary, Apr 23, 2024.

Skin diseases are one of the major cosmetic issues in modern world, and contribute 1.79% global burden of disease worldwide. They are more prevalent and has increased over the past few decades which contribute a significant burden on health-care systems across the world. Although mortality rate due to skin diseases is low, they cause significant impact on the appearance and self esteem.Most modern day medicines act as palliatives not giving complete relief. Homoeopathy on the contrary has holistic approach towards skin ailments thus giving complete cure. Let's know in detail Homoeopathic approach in curing skin diseases in this blog

Stress and Health

Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Dec 02, 2023.

What is stress? How to manage stress which now is a daily part of our lives? What can we do to let it not impact our physical / mental health? When to seek medical/ professional help ? Let's address some of this issues in this blog.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Nov 22, 2023.

Normally a person’s urine is free of bacteria, viruses, or fungi however sometimes  they enter through urinary tract via urethra and once their, they multiply and cause inflammation of bladder wall causing frequent urge to pass urine, burning during urination etc. This is known as urinary tract infection i.e. UTI. A urinary tract infection is a very common type of infection in your urinary system involving urethra, kidneys and  bladder. It is most commonly found in women as compared to men. A repeated UTI or untreated UTI can cause serious damage to your kidney.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Nov 17, 2023.

What is allergic asthma? The most common type of asthma triggered by allergens. These allergens can be present in the product you use or what you eat or air you breathe since your airway is extra sensitive to certain allergens .Once they get into your body your immune system goes into overdrive. Your airway surrounding muscles tenses. Over time, the airways swell up and fill with thick mucus. Which narrows the airway and cause difficulty in breathing.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Nov 06, 2023.

How you know if you are suffering from migraine:  Headache with visual and sensory symptoms Pain on one side Recurrent headache lasting at least 4-72 hours Nausea and vomiting Light and slightest sound bothers you


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Oct 05, 2023.

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME In the current modern era and the rapid pace of technology, carpal tunnel syndrome has been the most prevalent disease. About half of young people living sedentary lifestyles that include jobs that require them to sit for up to 8 hours straight with continuous use of fingers. This painful finger movements and awkward long arm stretches can cause pain and stiffness in the hand and  arm joints. So if you notice numbness and tingling in finger with pain and swelling around wrist or elbow carpal tunnel syndrome might be the diagnosis.

Renal Stone

Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Sep 27, 2023.

Renal stone and homoeopathy A kidney stone or stones are indicated by back or side pain, blood in the urine, and nausea or vomiting in addition to the pain. Although kidney stones typically range in size from a chickpea to a golf ball, they can also be as little as a grain of sand. Kidney stones: Prevelance Kidney stones are common across the world,around 12% of people affected all over India and around 1% of emergency cases of acute abdominal pain cases are because of renal colic and most of the time there are high chances of recurrence of kidney stones irrespective of treatment.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Sep 13, 2023.

What is alopecia areata? An autoimmune condition called alopecia areata can cause patchy hair loss everywhere on the body, although it most frequently affects the hair on the scalp. "Alopecia" Is a medical term for hair loss or baldness, and "Areata" refers to it occurring in small, random regions on your body


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Sep 04, 2023.

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) A non-contagious allergic skin condition that causes itching and dryness of the skin due to some irritant or allergen. What is eczema? It is an inflammatory skin condition that affects 7-10% of Indian population  and is most common in children where the skin gets dry irritated red and itchy. Eczema are of different types but most common is atopic dermatitis.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Aug 25, 2023.

What’s GERD? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (oesophagus). This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of your oesophagus. Many people experience acid reflux from time to time. However, when acid reflux happens repeatedly over time, it can cause GERD. Topics covered 1. What's GERD? 2. How common is GERD ? 3. Causes of GERD. 4. Presentation of GERD 5.How can you tell if you are experiencing HEARTBURN or a HEART ATTACK 6.How can you avoid GERD 7. Homoeopathy and GERD


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Aug 14, 2023.

Do you have PCOS? One in five women do. Menstruation or periods are something that most women fear when the time comes, but what is scarier is when they become irregular, or don’t come for months together and if you are suffering from the same along with weight gain, acne, thinning of scalp hair or abnormal growth of hair on face, you might be one of five women suffering from PCOS.

Monsoon fever and Homoeopathy

Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Jul 26, 2023.

Monsoon fever and Homoeopathy

Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Jul 26, 2023.

Monsoon fever and homeopathy The much awaited monsoon is round the corner as it brings the relief from the scorching heat of summer, but with the pleasant weather it brings numbers of disease along with it. The heavy rains and  humid environment create a breeding ground for many infectious and water borne disease, of which fever is the common symptom. It can be because of dengue, malaria, typhoid, viral, pneumonia and many other. If not treated they can progess to undesirable complications.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary and Dr. Sheetal Kantharia, Jun 09, 2023.

Hair fall is one of the most common problems which one experiences in everyday life. As We all have some emotional relationship with our hair. Certain amount of time, every day goes into grooming hair that is when people start noticing changes in their hair and scalp. It is a condition that not only impacts the appearance of people, but lowers their self-esteem too. The condition of hair loss is called Alopecia and it is marked by baldness or thinning of hair because of extreme hair fall, particularly in the scalp


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary , Oct 13, 2021.

Insomnia (sleeplessness) is a common sleep disorder in which a person experiences difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or wakes up too early. Insomnia can lead to long periods of wakefulness and difficulty initiating sleep. It can also cause a person to wake up early, and not be able to fall back asleep or maintain sleep. Tossing, turning in bed and restlessness are common signs of insomnia. HomeopathY for insomnia works by treating the underlying physical and psychological conditions that may be causing the disorder. Every person tends to experience sleeplessness occasionally, and usually, it gets resolved on its own with a good night’s sleep. Diagnosis of insomnia is made when a person faces difficulty sleeping for three nights in the span of a week for a minimum of three months, and it is causing significant distress in everyday life. What Happens if a Person Doesn’t Get Enough Sleep? Not getting enough sleep can lead to the following effects: – waking up unrefreshed, tired in the morning – feeling sleepy in the daytime – feeling weak, tired, fatigue during daytime – remaining irritable during the day – having low mood – depressed feeling – mood swings – having difficulty concentrating during daytime – reduced alertness – poor performance at job or school – high risk of accidents – chronic insomnia may lead to weight gain. It does so by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates – Chronic insomnia is a risk factor to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease and stroke Holistic Approach to Treat Insomnia Homeopathy treats the problem internally, by understanding the cause of different symptoms instead of suppressing them. Often, Insomnia is the result of an underlying problem, and homeopathy works cohesively to treat the psychological and physical symptoms that may be causing the disorder.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary , Oct 01, 2021.

What Is Underactive Thyroid? The thyroid is a small gland in the neck which produces and secretes thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones play an important role in regulating the body’s metabolic rate. The thyroid hormone has effects on almost every cell of the body including the functioning of the digestive system, heart, muscles, bones, brain, reproductive system, etc. An underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones. An underactive thyroid is one of the most commonly seen hormonal disorders. In case of the homeopathic treatment for an underactive thyroid, homeopathic medicines try to stimulate the thyroid gland for normal production of the thyroid hormone. This works as long as the gland is in position to get stimulated. While treating an underactive thyroid, it is important to understand that since there is an inability or sluggishness of the thyroid gland, the treatment should focus on stimulating the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone adequately, rather than simply supplying deficient Thyroxine hormone through external means. Homeopathy works on the same principle. The individualized homeopathic treatment is based on the study of the patient’s signs and symptoms, the duration of illness, stage of the underactive thyroid, extent of the disease, cause, genetic pattern, emotional state of the patient, level of thyroid hormones and TSH, and other laboratory findings. In this way, homeopathic treatment not only improves the thyroid function but also gives relief in its discomforting signs and symptoms.


Post by Dr.Tejal Daftary , Sep 15, 2021.

What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a common clinical condition affecting more than 10 million people per year. The classical symptom is its radiating pain along the path of the sciatic nerve, from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, back of the thigh and down the calf region of a leg. It typically affects one leg. Causes of Sciatica The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disk, narrowing of the spine or bone spur on the spine. This irritates the sciatic nerve causing inflammation, pain, and numbness in the affected limb. Symptoms Pain which radiates from lower spine to buttock, down the back of thigh and leg. The pain can range from mild discomfort to sharp excruciating pain like an electric shock. Sciatica pain can increase during a cough or sneeze, sitting for a long time. There is associated tingling, numbness in the affected leg. Homoeopathy for Sciatica Homeopathic medicines, which are natural and safe, work on the root cause of sciatica for complete, effective healing and cure. In fact, a Homeopathic consultation, if taken in time, could prevent surgical intervention in cases of sciatica. affected leg.

Homoeopathy and Skin Disorders

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary , Aug 30, 2020.

Human body, presents with many diseases on it. In fact, the skin is the reflection of what is happening under the skin, or rather, inside the body. Most of the internal systems and organs in the body when get affected or diseased, they show their effects in the form of skin diseases, in various forms. For example, when the immune system gets haywire, it shows on the skin in the form of diseases like psoriasis or lichen planus. When the immune system gets hypersensitive or delicate, it shows internal disease in the form of allergies such as urticaria or eczema. When the internal immune system is weakened, it gets impacted by external germs and there are various skin infections such as pyoderma, boils, carbuncles, warts, molluscum contagiosa, fungus infections, etc. Similarly, when hormonal system inside gets sick, it can lead to some of the symptoms of hormonal diseases such as hair fall, alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, hyper-pigmentation, melasma, vitiligo, dry skin, and the like. Also, some of the genetic tendencies are displayed in the form of skin diseases, such as vitiligo, skin cancer, psoriasis, pemphigus, etc. In other words, the skin is like a mirror of our body, which reflects the internal changes, internal diseases. They need to be understood accordingly. That means, the skin diseases are not skin deep; they are much deeper than the skin. They give us a signal about the internal disease. The homeopathic approach to skin disease In homeopathy, when we approach the treatment of skin diseases, we evaluate skin disease in its totality; and try to understand its inner cause, at the level of immunology, hormones, genetics, metabolic, etc. and plan the treatment in such as way that the disease is addressed at the root level, treating the related cause. By treating the disease such as psoriasis or urticaria or lichen planus or vitiligo, we treat the disease at a deeper level so that the disease does not recur for a long time, for many years or months. While treating the skin diseases at such a deeper level using homeopathy, the homeopathic medicines are administered orally. Homeopathy does not believe in treating skin disease by using lotions or cream. Homeopathy believes that if you treat skin disease by using external lotions, you are actually going to ‘suppress’ or ‘mask’ the disease and not ‘cure’ it.

Boost your immunity

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary , Jul 18, 2020.

Pumping up Immunity in COVID-19 times While the race is on to find a vaccine for COVID-19, there are plenty of steps you can take to strengthen your immune system. To help you (and your family) with this, we’ve compiled a list of key steps to take to support a healthy immune system. 1. Follow the advice........... Whatever your age While the elderly are of course more at threat of COVID-19, your immune system actually declines too. Relatively young and healthy people moreover should have a responsibility to stay protected so that they can avoid the possibility of infecting someone more vulnerable. 2. Dose up Vitamin C (and D) Certain nutrients, such as vitamins C and D have been identified as essential for improving immunity across the lifespan. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and manufactures antibody molecules required to help the body fight viruses and bacteria. Best sources are Tomato, Broccoli, Green & Red Peppers and Citrus fruits like oranges, Lime and Lemon Moreover, a good intake of Vitamin D reduces the risk of experiencing at least one respiratory infection including pneumonia within three weeks. While early morning sunlight is a natural way to get Vitamin D, supplements should be good too. 3. Exercise Regularly You can stay physically fit avoiding gyms too. In addition, it adds years to your life besides bringing a quality life. Walks after meal times should be a must. This builds lymphatic system which assists your immune cells to perform their surveillance function of moving around the body killing germs which may be trying to get inside your tissues. Though it’s not really that quick, exercises are essential to immunity as you age. Muscles make chemicals which pump our thymus gland (where immune cells are born) and help its functioning as we get older. 4. Plenty of water intake So many metabolic functions of our body depend on a good amount of water intake. Water flushes out toxins and facilitates your body in detoxifying itself thereby crucially relieving fatigue. How much water should you be drinking? • 60 kg = 2 litres •75 kg = 2.5 litres •90 kg= 3 litres •105 kg = 3.5 litres 5. De-Stress and Sleep adequate Stress disrupts the functioning of our immune system. The more you push your mind, the more nutrients your body uses up. Meditation and Mindfulness help in mitigating negative impact of stress on our lives. In fact, having adequate sleep is the key to of our whole immune power. Other lifestyle measures won’t make much of difference if there is lack of sleep. This is simply because the hormone melatonin stimulates new immune cells while we sleep. Visit DrTejalDaftary.com for more info


Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Dec 17, 2019.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling, and/or staying asleep.

Tips to avoid FLU this winter

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Nov 29, 2019.

Winter sets in and we all are relieved of heat, we feel nice and comfortable, getting rid of the unwanted perspiring days or sunstrokes. But as the winter sets in what we start dreading is FLU, fever, headaches, body aches, nasal cold, cough, loss of appetite, weakness for days.

PCOs and Hypothyroidism

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Nov 19, 2019.

With our current lifestyle and stress we have started suffering from a lot of life lifestyle related disorders either at very young age or with stubborn symptoms, where body is unable to heal. Let’s talk about two such disorders affecting more than 60 percent of women of all age groups.

What is Homoeopathy?

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Nov 05, 2019.

Homoeopathy was discovered by a German Physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), in the late eighteenth century. It is a therapeutic system of medicine premised on the principle, “Similia Similibus Curentur” or ‘let likes be treated by likes'.

How Homoeopathy Works

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Nov 05, 2019.

Wondering why it would be beneficial to use Homoeopathic substances to help treat an illness or health problem if the same substance seems to also contribute to illness? The idea is that this practice helps stimulate the immune system and the body’s natural ability to heal.

Benefits of Homoeopathy

Post by Dr. Tejal Daftary, Nov 05, 2019.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from tiny amounts of proven healing substances derived mainly from plants, minerals and animals. They are given in very minute doses so that they are non-toxic, and are very safe.