1. Fill online form for basic history

  2. Get intimation on your email to make the payment for consultation

  3. Fill a more detailed form and mention available time slots for video consultation

  4. Patient will get intimation on their email to make payment for medicines

  5. On receipt of payment, Dr. Tejal will dispatch the medicines and update the patient record


Take your
First Step

Some diseases are curable, some can be relieved and some cannot be cured. Depending on the nature of the disease, its cause, its extent, overall health of the patient, the doctors can decide if the patient having a particular disease is curable or not; or to what extent is it curable or treatable.

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How can we
Help You?

Some diseases are curable, some can be relieved and some cannot be cured. Depending on the nature of the disease, its cause, its extent, overall health of the patient, the doctors can decide if the patient having a particular disease is curable or not; or to what extent is it curable or treatable.

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Normally a person’s urine is free of bacteria, viruses, or fungi however sometimes  they enter through urinary tract via urethra and once their, they multiply and cause inflammation of bladder wall causing frequent urge to pass urine, burning during urination etc. This is known as urinary tract infection i.e. UTI. A urinary tract infection is a very common type of infection in your urinary system involving urethra, kidneys and  bladder. It is most commonly found in women as compared to men. A repeated UTI or untreated UTI can cause serious damage to your kidney.